Thoughts on a Culture of Confession: Difficulties (Part 2)

There are many roadblocks to a culture of confession.  I will attempt to clarify seven of these roadblocks. With all of these roadblocks it is important to know that they can be overcome.  In a later blog some specifics will be given as to how to overcome these roadblocks.  These roadblocks are not in any particular order but can actually come up in almost any order or time. Roadblocks Ahead
1) Not receiving the confession well is probably the one overarching roadblock which includes almost all the other roadblocks.  This can be from the leadership, one of the parties involved or even someone completely separate from the offense. Typically this seems to come from an attitude of pride or self righteousness. Thinking you are better
2) Not protecting the person confessing their sin is another roadblock. This is not to say that there are not public consequences to confessed sin but instead a propensity towards requiring public confession of all sins. I have seen men who come forward to confess their sins  and ask for help in defeating a specific sin who have been told that they now need to confess their sin publicly in front of all. This does not encourage a culture of confession but instead a culture of hiding their sins. When possible a person who confesses their sins should be protected and not publicly crucified.

3) Another roadblock is when a person uses that which is confessed to gain something. At times those who receive the confession have used it to gain advantage over the person confessing by threatening to reveal their sins publicly or by revealing their sin to specific individuals. There are always those who will or could hold an individuals sins over their head in the future.

4) A big roadblock is people not forgiving the individual.  When someone confesses their sin and demonstrates repentance we need to be quick to forgive.  When we are not quick to forgive we can create self perpetuating cycles which never lead to the restoration of the person and the relationships that were harmed. Not forgiving
5) Gossip is a roadblock that goes hand in hand with the 3rd roadblock also. Gossip can be the greatest difficulty in creating a culture of confession. Those who spread information about others create a perception that no one is safe to share their personal battles or sinful struggles without everyone knowing. Gossip
6) Pride in the leadership is another big roadblock to creating a culture of confession. A leadership that doesn’t practice a culture of confession is a leadership that will not be able to create a culture of confession. Church members look to the leadership to model this culture but when the leadership is too proud to admit their sin or sinful struggles individuals will be encouraged hide their struggles instead of confessing them and receiving help in the battle against them. Trying to filter your words
7) Unfiltered confession can be a roadblock toward creating a culture of confession. Not everyone is ready or able to hear a Christian confess all of their sinful struggles. There is a time and place for specific confessions. Having times and places to confess are helpful.

Zoom Worship

These past two weeks we have had worship online using Zoom. We had been recording and posting our Sunday services but due to technical difficulties we had to change a couple of weeks ago.

Preaching the Word

We are enjoying the time together but would prefer to meet in person. Last week Tati was able to play the guitar for us as we worshiped together. It was special because James could also be heard in the background.

Worship through Song

It is nice to be able to feed James during the service without disturbing the body. We have also enjoyed having Tati’s mother with us during these services.

Feeding James During Worship

Covid Restrictions Continue

We are seeing the continuation of the covid 19 restrictions. We are pessimistic that these restrictions will end soon. Talking with our partners the feeling is that this may stretch on almost indefinitely.

We have seen the number waiting for intensive care beds lesson over the past couple of weeks from 500+ to 200+. We also have found different variants of covid happening that are more serious than the strain from last year. These variants are causing more young people to be sick and to worsen quickly, sometimes within 2-4 days. If you want to watch a news video please click this link.

While we are in these restrictions there have been some easing of the black band restrictions we are not hopeful that we will be able to return to a normal ministry schedule soon. As we have been tracking this information we are saddened by the continued difficulties but are trying to stay hopeful for a quick resolution.

Restrictions March 22 – 29

Restrictions for March 30 – April 4

While waiting on the lifting of restrictions we are attempting to continue to minister in any way possible like church meetings over zoom and other online activities.

Online Zoom Services

Preparing for a Post Surgery

We are buying and getting ready for post surgery with James. We were hopeful to have the surgery on March 12 but due to covid restrictions it has been rescheduled for April 20. We are using this time to get better prepared for post surgery with James.

Feeding Option 1

One of the biggest things post surgery will be feeding James. The delivery system will be important because our son does not like to be hungry. He is eating about 1 liter of formula each day. We expect this to be a little hard to maintain but we will try thanks to the 200 cc syringe or the controlled drip system. Each of these options was recommended as a possibility to feed him by our consulting nurse.

Feeding Option 2

The other major item we are preparing for us that James will need to have his arms braced. We have known this for a while and been searching for a good option. We found these arm braces that will work very well.

Arm Braces

Covid Information and Care

We are continuing in the black band covid restrictions. We are trying to stay safe and follow the guidelines that have been set forth by the local governments.

Reminder to be Careful

We are being reminded that we are to be careful in how we are when we are outside. We have been only venturing out on occasion.

Ivoti data from March 10

The death toll, due to covid, for Ivoti is going up. On March first it was 21 people and now on March 15 we can see that it is 33 people. We are saddened by this number and it makes us even more sad by the conversations we have with people who have been affected by these deaths.

Ivoti data from March 12

We have had almost 500 new cases of covid in the last 2+ weeks. The total positive cases sense they have been tracking is 2,136 and thankfully there have been 1,670 who have recovered including two of my fellow pastors at IMBI. We are also thankful that even though the hospital is full we have only 2 in intensive care.

Ivoti data from March 15

The overall death rate due to covid is about 2.4% in Brazil but the death rate due to covid in Ivoti is about 1.5%. We are also doing better as a state at 2.1% death rate than the national numbers for all of Brazil. We are thankful for the work that the city has been doing to help the people while keeping business open and commerce flowing. The city has been rolling out vaccines and has been giving them to the elderly first.

Covid Vaccines for Elderly

Thoughts on a Culture of Confession: Orientation (Part 1)

Sin is a great problem for everyone and the only way to deal with it is to repent.  Part of repentance is to confess your sins to Christ and also to one another.  One of the tools that Christ has given us to deal with our sin is to ask fellow Christians to help us.  This is where confession is helpful. There is a very real sense that we as Christians need to have a culture of confession in our churches and in our relationships.  A culture of confession is simply defined as having a custom of receiving people who have sinned with mercy and grace.  Key Text: Hebrews 4:15-16
We have a high priest who knows our sin and is able to sympathize with our weaknesses. This priest is important because when you are confessing our sin you are more likely to go to the person who would sympathize with you and not judge you.  We need to be people who are sympathetic and not people who are judgemental in our reception of people who have sinned.Kneeling before the Cross
Hebrews 4:16 tells us to come near the Throne of Grace and receive mercy and grace there.  The Throne of Grace is not a place to receive judgment or condemnation but to receive mercy because you have committed sins and grace because you are tempted to commit more sins. We need to be people who are quick to give mercy and grace to those who have sinned and are repentant. Mercy and Grace: Two vital components
A culture of confession is one where an individual who is convicted of their sins can come and confess their sin, receive mercy for their sin, and help to defeat the sin.  This confession is not only to Christ who is the only one who can forgive their sins but to other’s who will be able to help you follow Christ.

Parenting in an Instagram World (Part 2)

When I think of Parenting in an Instagram World I think of an alternative reality. These parents are taking these photos and they are almost always good. The previous post I mentioned that these photos include the smiling photo, the cute clothes photo, the cute action photo and the unique photo.

Passed out from lack of Sleep

These photos really challenge the parents who try to live up to this ideal. They are left trying to chase a dream and not reality.

Getting Pooped On

I have learned that parenting is changing dirty diapers, holding a screaming child for hours, staying awake with a colicky child, not sleeping, and not knowing what is wrong or why he is screaming.

Uncontrollable Screamer

Other photos that you see on Instagram are normally of the parents smiling and having a great time. The reality is that lots of the time parents are either screaming themselves or wanting to scream.

Screaming Parents

Covid Black Band Consequences

We are struggling to be thankful for the continued black band restrictions that are happening here in Rio Grande do Sul. The governor here has basically shut down everything until the end of the month.

All Black Band Until the End of the Month

There are reports that Brazil is the one country that is not actually getting better but worse. It is very hard time right now that is affecting every aspect of our lives.

Brazil Getting Worse

One of the consequences is that we are not able to gather as a field team in person. This is sad because it removes one of the few times that we get together during the year. This puts a damper on building a sense of team unity.

Field Team Zoom Meetings

Another of the consequences is that the scheduled surgeries for James all get pushed back. This is not the end of the world but the worst case scenario is still a possibility. The surgeries will all be pushed back and hopefully start when the band is lifted.

Surgery has been Rescheduled

The third consequence is that ministry has been moved to an online or virtual presence affair. We want to get back to a sense of normalcy and are hopeful that this will return this year some time.

Parenting in an Instagram World (Part 1)

Parenting in an Instagram World means that you will try and create photos that show your son or daughter in the best light.

Zoolander “Blue Steel”

Some of these Instagram photos show some interesting look from the child.

Modeling the Blue Steel look

Other photos are of the child in cute clothing. James is his mothers prince.

Cute clothing

Some photos are of their child doing some cute movements or the like.

Whip Whip and Nae Nae

Then there is the required big smile photo.

Great Smile

Ministry Continues!

Ministry never stops. We can be quarantined and have outbreaks of sicknesses or viruses and ministry will continue. Tati had Christina come over and for an afternoon they practiced various songs over and over.

Working on Finding a Song

James and I in the other room enjoyed the voices of the angles in the other room. I got to feed James and care for him so that my wife can serve. This is one thing that is a great blessing for me.

James Sleeping

I did get in on the service as I was responsible for recording the worship which will be played on our on-line service Sunday.

Singing on Video