20 weeks / Half way there

We have had our 20 week ultrasound exam. Unfortunately our child did not cooperate and we will have to come back next week to finish the exam but we have pictures from our last exam to share with you.  We are now officially half way there to the birth of our child. This pregnancy has not been the easiest but we are thankful for our healthy baby.Strong heart beat
Tati has been doing much better the past week or so and we are very thankful for all of the prayers. Our baby is also doing well as Tati enjoys feeling our child moving inside of her almost every day.Bleeding shown in our previous exam but not present yesterday
We are waiting for the day that I can definitively feel our child moving. I have felt some movement but not been sure if it is Tati breathing or something else.What a nice shaped head
Each week and day is so very exciting for us. Tati has experienced days when she is completely uncomfortable due to our baby moving in her womb.

House keeping

Well I have to admit that my wife is awesome at keeping the house clean. Ever since we got married she has been doing a rocking job at cleaning.

Breakfast while relaxing

However that changed a few weeks ago when she was put on full and complete bed rest. Tati is allowed to do three things: relax in bed, relax on the couch and go to the bathroom. She has not had to cook, clean or do laundry in the last few weeks.

Tati relaxing in bed

This means that the responsibility falls on me. Cleaning the floors, bathroom, dishes, and our clothes. I am also responsible for making the bed and cooking every day.

Dishes to wash for me

Sítio da Esperança Wood Projects (Part 2)

The projects are coming along for me at the Sítio. I have been really enjoying the work and have especially enjoyed the company of another missionary named Dave. Dave worked as a wood worker for years and I have enjoyed learning from him.

Partially Finished table

We first built three pedestals to hold the main table up. These pedestals were difficult to build as the rough cut wood was not an even thickness and I didn’t purchase long enough screws. Eventually we got them built and began to mount the main table top.

Dave clearing some dust

The rough cut wood has some great live edges but it also means that we needed to sand the tops of each shelf and the top of the table. These tops have two main problems 1) they are not level and 2) they are riddled with termite holes in parts. We decided to use epoxy to fill in the holes and strengthen those parts of the table.

Roughly finished wood table

Sítio da Esperança Wood Projects (Part 1)

A month ago I was asked to look at some wood that they had and envision different applications for the wood based on what was needed. The Sítio da Esperança is a retreat center that ABWE started in Lomba Grande to serve the local churches. At the Sítio they have two main focus: 1) Service as a gathering place for church events that can’t happen at their church property. 2) To start a church plant in Lomba Grande. We are working at the Sítio right now due to the restrictions which are allowing for property improvements to be made.

Stacks of Rough Cut Wood

I was asked to build a large table, small circular coffee table, a barn door, and a narrow coffee table. There are also 4 gazebos, many benches, and sealing up one room. There is also a couple of other odd projects like shelving and decorative pieces.

How about a Barn door?

I absolutely love the idea of looking at a piece of wood and seeing what it could be. The general guidelines are awesome to have but also the freedom to build anything is fun. I have been enjoying the building of these projects.

Opening Up the Stacks of Rough Cut Lumber

Split Pea Soup

It has been cold and we have been looking for healthy things to eat for Tati. I offered to make Split Pea Soup. It turned out very good. I look forward to the next batch and we will see if I can make it even better.

Everything into the Crock Pot

I made everything and put it in the crock pot to cook.

With the Pork Cut Up

After cooking everything I cut up the pork shoulder into bite size pieces and let it cook a little more. We ate the Split Pea Soup for the next couple of days and it was always great.

Served with buttered bread

Life Center: Bible Studies

Every Thursday this year we will be having a bible study at the Life Center in Dois Irmãos. This gives us an opportunity to meet together with people from the community and to open the word of God with them.

Bible Study before the coronavirus

We have been studying the story of Hope. We have had a great group who has been getting together. Unfortunately things have changed due to the coronavirus and we have not been able to reconnect as a large group. We have had a few weeks that we were able to return to our study but that has been stopped due to the tightening of restrictions.

Bible Study during the Coronavirus

Praying for One Another

I enjoyed the time that we had a couple of weeks ago when we got together as a missions team to pray for one of our own.

Cal Sharing with Us

Cal shared with us that he has pancreatic cancer and what the doctor has told him about the treatment options. We are all very sad to hear about the diagnosis but thankful that it has not spread.

Praying for Cal

We then were each able to pray for Cal and Carol. I am very thankful for our field team that is able to gather together and pray. I was very thankful that we have many people who pray better than me. I was very thankful that they remembered all of the requests even when I forgot some.

Praying for Cal

As big as a… (Part 2)

A s the weeks have been going by we have hit the 4 month mark in the pregnancy.  Each week we have been taking a picture of Tati with the baby bump and a picture with the fruit or vegetable that represents the size of our child.Week 11: A Fig
Each week as we have been taking these pictures it has been so exciting to read about what is developing in the baby and it’s size. Recently Tati has been feeling the baby move lots and now our baby is able to hear our voices. Week 15: An Orange

Celebrating the 4th of July

This past Saturday we celebrated the 4th of July with a couple of other missionaries.

All American Chicken Wings

We were able to grill some chicken wings. We made 3 flavors of chicken wings (BBQ, sweet chili and Buffalo). They were all great and we had them with cole slaw and banana bread muffins.

Chicken Wings and Cole Slaw with banana bread muffins

Erin made a great apple pie while Megan mad awesome banana bread muffins. I am so thankful that we could get together and spend a lazy afternoon together hanging out and enjoying each other’s company.

All American Apple Pie