Sleep: Necessary or Over-rated

As we live through the first couple of months of James life we are continually reminded of the need to care for him. Many times this involves forgoing sleep.

Dad and Son nap time

There are people who need 8-10 hours of continual sleep every night to function and others who only need 5-6 hours. Those with children function on considerably less.

Sleeping in the rocking chair

There are rare babies I have heard that give their parents 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. James is not one of those babies. He likes to be awake and after getting 3-4 hours of sleep he normally requires 1-2 hours of feeding and calming to get back to sleep for 10 minutes to 2 hours.

Sleeping with a Basketball

As parents we want to help our son but at times we just can’t keep our eyes open anymore. This is where we are thankful for the other spouse who normally can take over. However, there are times when this is impossible and we end up sleeping while holding James or sleeping while trying to console him.

Mom and Son nap time

In the end I will leave the thought up to you if sleep is necessary or over-rated.

Kitchen Adventures: Cooking Beef Ribs (Part 8)

Making a Beef Ribs with a Korean style flavor is very interesting. When we have a desire to eat something that is not available here you have to make it yourself.

Marinating the Beef Ribs

We made a great marinade for the steak and let the ribs soak up the marinade for 12 hours.

Beginning the Grilling Process

We are thankful for an electric grill that we can use to cook inside. This makes for some great grilling but a small grilling space.

Flipping the Ribs

We finished the ribs with a great glaze that we made from the left over marinade.

Grilled to Perfection

Reading the Bible

Reading the Bible is something that we have been doing with James. We know that the Bible is the word of God and it is never to early to have him hear it.

Reading the Children’s Story Bible

Tati is reading from a children’s story Bible. I enjoy listening to her read to James. Reading the Bible to James is something that I really love about Tati.

Comforts a Crying Son

I have begun to tell James many of the more well known stories in the Bible. I enjoy sharing them with him even when I don’t have a free had to hold the Bible.

Father Son Bible Reading

We know that this is the beginning of the discipleship process for James. We want him to know the God who revealed himself in the Bible.

Words from a Father (Part 3)

Son one or the things that has impacted my life more than anything else.  The Bible has impacted my life more than I will ever know.  These are some of the passages that have impacted my life. I want you to know that the Bible is the inspired word of God and will equip you for to be a man. Below are 8 passages that we will study together and which will guide you in the future.1) Genesis 1:1 – The Bible begins with in the beginning God. God exists and has revealed himself in the scripture, you need to know him as he has revealed himself not as you think he should be.Like Father Like Son
2) Ephesians 2:8-10 – Salvation is not a state of mind or something that you can achieve through your own work or strength.  Salvation from your sins is something that you want. Not only is this something that you will want it is something that you will need. God is the only one who can save and says that it is his grace and salvation is a gift that he gives. This gift of salvation is not something that you can demand from God. When he saves you you will be transformed and you will be equipped to do good works.Listen Up Son
3) Philippines 2:12-13 – Son it is important to know that it is God who is at work in you to will and to do his good pleasure. It is not that you are able to do good works independent of him but that he is at work in you so that you can do these good works.Be Strong Son
4) Joshua 1:8-9 – Joshua had it right my son.  It is good for you to be thinking, talking about and meditating on the Bible. Not only is it important to be meditating on it but put it into practice.  If you put it into practice it will be beneficial to you. Not practicing what the scripture tells you to do will have a negative effect on your life.Be watchful Son
5) Isaiah 1:16-17 – Son there are some very simple things that you need to be learning and practicing. Do not watch and dwell on evil deeds. Do not practice evil. Instead do good. Doing good includes seeking justice and correcting oppression. Remember son that the world you live in will many times call good evil and evil good. Let God tell you what is good and what is evil and do not be swayed by the opinions of the day.Listen to and Study the Bible
6) Micah 6:8 – Son the Lord has been clear and consistent in what he asks from us. He requires that we do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with him. Remember son walking humbly with God will require knowing him and what he wants. It will not be easy but it will be worth it.Rise Early to Study the Bible
7) Ephesians 6:1-3 – It may seem self serving my son to study this passage which says “Honor your Father and Mother” but I assure you it is not. Honoring is something that will change over time. Right now honoring your parents means obeying without complaining, immediately, and with a happy heart. Honoring later in life means listening to but not always agreeing or doing what they suggest. Honoring them at/near the end of their lives means caring for them. The reason why we are studying this is that I want it to go well with you and that you may live long.  Son your parents want the best for you.Honor to Your Parents
8) 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – Son the word of God will help you in mazing ways. It is beneficial to know the truth and doctrine. The word of God will correct your actions and thoughts. It will also train you to do righteousness. In the end this is the result of the word of God in your life that you would be mature and prepared for every good work. This is my desire for you my son.

Lap Time

As new parents we are enjoying time with our son. We have noticed that each day our son requires plenty of lap time with Tati or me.

Playing with Toys already?

We do not think that this is wasted time but it is definitely time that is taken from doing other things.

Including lots of eating

The other day I was talking with Tati and she commented that she had sat on the couch with James sense 3:30. James enjoyed lap time with his mother for about 4 hours.

Reading the Bible

It is interesting to think about all of the times I thought that my married friends with kids were weird when they wouldn’t get things done in a timely manner. Now I understand their difficulties at times to do things or to be on time.

Demonstrating Love

One of the ways that I show my wife I love her is by doing things for her. A couple of weeks ago we had a storm that ripped off 2-3 roof tiles from the dog kennel that Tati made for her dog at her mother’s house.

The old dog house

The old doghouse has tiles which are falling apart. I had been talking with Tati about re-doing the doghouse for over a year.

Prefabricanted walls

I wanted to demonstrate my love for Tati by rebuilding the doghouse that she built years ago.

Putting up the walls

I prefabricated the walls and the roof the first day. This meant getting the wood delivered and then cutting and mounting everything together. I was pleased by the finished product.

Generally Framed

When I put the prefabricated walls and roof in place they went together pretty well. I had to redo one part of one wall due to an unexpected brick but that was ok.

Adding the plastic tiles

Following the frame and roof I had to place the tiles on the roof. We used a semi transparent plastic tile to cover the roof. It went pretty well except for the large guy who barely fit in between some of the spaces in the roof.

The final product

I think that the final product turned out pretty nice and will provide shade and cover from the wind and the rain. I enjoy showing Tati that I love her in practical ways.

As Big as a…

There have been many pictures that we have taken of the baby bump. It began with a photo of a grain of rice and cumulated with a one month photo of James and Tati.

As big as a grain of rice

We are thankful that as these months have passed James has been continually growing. We have noticed over the past month that he is growing. We are thankful for the continued growth and are getting stronger each day as we care for James.

As Big as a Watermelon

Singing to Our Son

Tati and I will spend some time singing to our son during times when he is inconsolable. There are also times that we will sing to him when we are passing time together.

Getting Work done with James

The singing that Tati does is mostly known songs. Tati heard these songs when she was a child at school and is now singing them to James.

Singing and Feeding

The singing that I do is mostly made up songs that can range from Portuguese to English and sometimes a mish-mash of both. I tend to sing based on a theme that I am thinking of and using a familiar toon.

Words from a Father (Part 2)

On January 1st of most years people will make resolutions and strive to achieve certain goals for the year in question.  James, you may even decide to make some yourself. I have made my own resolutions but they have less to do with a yearly goal and more to do with lifetime resolutions. One of those is to lead and guide you and to do this I have begun to write you some words from your Father.Listen to Your Father

Son I want to take this time to tell you some things very important to me and which will be important for your future.  I will endeavor to teach and live out these things as you grow.  These things are not necessary in order but should be lived out jointly like all of the instruments in a symphony playing together to make beautiful music.A Symphony of Musical Instruments

Many of these items can be summed up in a simple three words. “Be, Know, and Do!” Be a man of character. Know what and how to do things. Do it or take action, a man is supposed to take action.Listen to Your Dad

Words from your Father.Yes we know you will listen

1) Be a Man of your Word – It is important that people know that your words are true.  Keep your word even if it means harm to you.  With clear words communication is always possible.
2) Be a Man of Integrity – Have principles that you will live by. Even when it is difficult or costly the principles that you live by need to be kept. People will know you as a man of integrity if you live by consistent principles.
3) Be a Man who Serves – There will be many opportunities to serve in your life from serving your parents/family to serving people in the church and then serving in your community. A man who serves will be building bridges to connect with others and have a good testimony before others.
4) Be a Man who Works Hard – Working is something that some people don’t like to do. You need to be man who can be counted on to do tasks that are difficult. Work hard and you will be able to provide for your family.
5) Be a Man who has Fun – Men need to have fun.  Enjoy life and what you are doing.  Find things that you like to do and make time to do them.
6) Be a Man who loves Jesus Christ – This is probably the most important item son.  If you love Jesus Christ you will keep his comments and honor him.  Loving Jesus Christ makes it easier to honor him when things get difficult.